Fairway Gift Shop

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I can't order using my tablet or phone! Why not?
A: Our website uses cookies to keep all the orders tracked. More than likely your cookies are disabled and prevent you from completing your order or quote request. Simply enable them and you should be able to continue. If you need help, below are 2 simple guides on how to do this.
How to enable cookies on iPads and iPhones
How to enable cookies on Droid devices

Q: Do you ship outside of the USA?
A: At this time, we are only able to ship to Canada. If you would like to order from us and are located outside of North America, you must provide us with a frieght forwarder who will handle all the duties, taxes, and shipping costs.

Q: Are these all the items you have access to?
A: NO. These are all the items we have been able to upload to the web. We are an authorized factory representative for over 4,000 manufactures in the US and abroad. Roughly, we have at any given moment access to over 800,000 items that can be imprinted with your name or logo on it.
Q: Do you have minimums?
A: Yes we do. The first quantity shown is the minimum order quantity for the item you are looking at. These quantities will vary from product to product. If you need to order less than the quantity shown, Less Than Minimum Fees could apply. This fee will also vary from product to product.

Q: How does your pricing work?
A: This is a great question. We are able to give price breaks depending upon the amount of the particular item that is ordered. When you see one of our price tables (see example below), the beginning quantity is usually the minimum order. Ordering a quantity lower than the beginning quantity will usually result in a “Less Than Minimum” charge from the factory.

Sample Price Grid

Q: Am I only able to order the quantities listed?
A: No. The quantities listed only show where the price breaks occur. If you wanted 345 of an item, your base per piece price would be $6.25. If you were to order 501 of an item, your per piece price would then be $6.07 per item. Discounts will vary from item to item. There is no set percentage of discount.
Q: How much is your Art cost?
A: Many times we are able to use existing artwork that is already electronically saved. Files that are in .ai, .psd, .jpg, .tiff, .bmp, and .cdr formats are the easiest for us to manipulate and place where desired on an item. If this is available to us and we do not have to re-create anything the art can range from $20-$30 on average. If we have to produce line drawings or help a client create a logo, the art costs can range from $85-$100.
Q: I forgot to order something and my event is soon, can I still order an item through you?
A: This depends on the item that is ordered. Lead times vary per item and this will be determined on a case by case basis.  Many factories have the ability to rush orders to meet deadline dates. Be aware that rush charges could apply. REMEMBER: Quotes for situations like this are always FREE!
Q: Why am I being charged for 510 pieces when I only ordered 500?
A: When ordering through us, an overrun of 5-10% is expected. Some of our factories will over produce an item to ensure that enough usable items are made. Sometimes during the production of an item, one or two could be damaged or not produced to an acceptable standard. By overrunning a few items, this ensures that you receive enough usable items for your event and greatly reduces the chance of any shortage to you. To have a factory start the process back up to produce a couple of items will only incur expense to them and could lead to an increase in cost per item in the future. It is always better to under promise and over deliver.

Q: HELP, my event location has moved and my shipment is in transit. Can we change this?
A: You will be glad to know that we have been able to fix this in the past. It does ultimately depend on what company is delivering the goods. We do not have control over what shipping company the particular factory may use for your item, but we will do everything in our power to try and get your shipment re-routed in transit.

Q: Are there any hidden fees?
A: While we do not consider these hidden fees, there are usually factory setup costs. These will vary from item to item as well. Some items have additional color run charges. What this means is that if you want more than a one color imprint on a certain item, the factory may charge extra for each additional color that is imprinted, per item. We are very upfront with these possible charges and are always shown on the order quote.

If you have a question that we have not answered yet, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-800-240-8639, or fill out our Contact Us Form and we will call you.
We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to help make your project or event a success.


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